18" Easy Squeegee Mount Squeegee with Threaded Handle Adapter 78255
18" Easy Squeegee Mount Squeegee with Threaded Handle Adapter 78255
78255 18" EasySqueegee Frame with THA
Mount only. Blades sold separately.
The EasySqueegee® is industry-targeted precision, predictable and versatile when compared to competitive products. Self-locating, self-leveling blades ensure your blade is straight, level and in perfect contact with the ground every time. The uniquely designed eight blades provide a level of versatility and jobsite application options not currently available from any competitive application squeegee tool today. Cured Coatings Release technology ensures that the frame will be reusable no matter what product (epoxies and urethanes) you apply with the EasySqueegee®, once cured the frame can be cleaned.
Wet film spread rates (WFSR FT2/ Gal.) are not absolute, but help to aid in blade selection. Many factors can contribute to the actual WFSR, including the pressure exerted on the blade, the porosity of the substrate to be coated, the product used as well as if and how the back bearing is completed. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the details of your project, please contact us.